《圣誕頌歌》是英國作家查爾斯·狄更斯的小說名篇,,主人公史高哲(Scrooge,又譯“斯克魯奇”)是個遠近聞名的吝嗇鬼,他刻薄,、冷漠而又視財如命的形象讓人記憶深刻,。史高哲經(jīng)營者一家賬房,可是,有一天,,他那死去的生意伙伴雅各布的鬼魂出現(xiàn),,改變了一切?! n this adaptation of the Christmas story narrated by Charles Dickens himself (played by Gonzo the Great) with the occasional commentary of Rizzo the Rat, it is Christmas Eve《圣誕頌歌》是英國作家查爾斯·狄更斯的小說名篇,,主人公史高哲(Scrooge,又譯“斯克魯奇”)是個遠近聞名的吝嗇鬼,他刻薄,、冷漠而又視財如命的形象讓人記憶深刻,。史高哲經(jīng)營者一家賬房,可是,,有一天,,他那死去的生意伙伴雅各布的鬼魂出現(xiàn),改變了一切,?! n this adaptation of the Christmas story narrated by Charles Dickens himself (played by Gonzo the Great) with the occasional commentary of Rizzo the Rat, it is Christmas Eve in 19th century London. The merriment is not shared by Ebenezer Scrooge (Michael ...